Hello competitors!
We're sure you are all eager to find out what movements you'll be doing for the Christmas Throwdown, so we're going to present you with the movements. Practicing CrossFit on a regular basis should get you prepared for any CrossFit competition (in my opinion), however people still like to know what it is they'll be doing. That is completely understandable, however, knowing the reps/rounds/time is not as relevant. If you know how to do a movement, you should be able to do it for low, medium, and high reps, or with light, medium, and semi-heavy weights.
For now we will list the movements, and in the future we'll release what movements are paired up with each other.
Know this: There will be a testing of maximum strength, maximum power, short duration aerobic endurance, longer duration aerobic endurance, and some things for the ninja's, as well as the monsters. As stated before, the goal is to test fitness in as many area's as possible within 1 day's worth of workouts. The programming also has a focus of not having any workout's results determined solely by 1 movement in the workout. For example, throw a bunch of stuff in a workout for females, then add handstand pushups, and you've created a workout that will likely be determined by how well the individual can perform one movement, the HSPU. (Understand, this is not programming for the regionals or games, so it is not expected for all local female competitors to excel at HSPU.) Another example, throw whatever bodyweight movements you want into a workout and claim you are satisfying the "ninjas," and then add 185lb clean and jerks for reps to satisfy the "monsters," though what you've done is added 1 movement that will ultimately determine the result of each individual. The 185lb clean and jerks. The larger athlete may not be "as good" at the bodyweight stuff, but still has the ability to do them-there is never a "failure point." However, the smaller athlete will possibly reach an absolute failure point on the weightlifting movement, where he cannot perform 1 rep. This is how the workout will ultimately be determined by 1 movement, regardless of how many burpees and pull ups are included. "But isn't crossfit about being good at everything no matter what?" Yes, and you should be, but if you want to truly test who is the fittest (most well rounded) at the end of the day, you may be better off testing some of these components of fitness individually, i.e. strength tests, aerobic endurance tests, power tests, etc. This ensures that ones ability to excel in a given area of fitness is not hidden by a separate component.
And the movements are...
Box Jumps
Double Unders
Clean & Jerk
Wall Balls
Muscle Ups (for the guys)
Chest to Bar pull ups (for the ladies)
Knees to Elbows
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