Thursday, December 6, 2012

WOD: Classic CrossFit

Our next workout will be #5 for the guys and #5 for the ladies. This will be the final workout of the day. It's going to be a great work capacity test! You gotta keep moving, and be efficient!

WOD 5:
7 Minute AMRAP:
4 Squat Clean to Over Head anyhow (135/95)
6 Knees to Elbows
8 Over the Bar Burpees

*You may power clean + front squat the bar to equal the squat clean.
*The bar may be dropped after each rep.
*You can take the bar overhead from the shoulder anyhow. Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Thruster, Thruster finishing in a jerk, Split Jerk.
*The arms must be completely straight on the Knee's to Elbows.
*No hands overhead or vertical torso required on the over the bar burpees. Both feet must however, leave the ground and land at the same time. I.E. dont "prance" over it.
*Chest must visibly touch the ground on the burpee.

There are 2 scaled categories to this workout. If you scale 1 movement, you will be ranked below all the Rx'd people for this particular workout. If you scale 2 movements, you will be ranked below all the Rx'd and 1 movement scaled people. See video explanation here

Scaled weight: 95lbs guys, 65lbs ladies
Scaled Knees to Elbows: Contact with the "armpit or tricep" (must be contact)

"When do I decide if I'm scaled?" 
The requirement to do this workout as Rx'd is that you must be able to get through 2 rounds of this workout completely Rx'd. You will have to make this decision yourself, before the workout begins. You do not get to start the workout Rx'd and then drop down halfway through.
"I'm pretty sure I can get to rounds"
Well, you better be really super duper sure, because if you DONT get through two rounds, it will be considered a DNF and you will be ranked below the 2 movement scaled people.
"That sounds pretty mean, you're gonna DNF me if I can't do 2 rounds?"
Yes, because it is your choice whether to do it as Rx'd or to scale it. These are classic crossfit movements, and a very common load, you should have confidence in your fitness level as to whether or not you can do 2 rounds of this. If you're really on the fence, choosing scaled will at least ensure you that you don't DNF and finish all the way at the bottom. However, this is completely your choice. There will be a place on your scorecard to distinguish this.

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